

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Blown Away by Booker T Washington Senior, Brita

Armed with two umbrellas in one hand, my reflector in the other, my hair swirling all around my face, and my camera swinging around my neck, I was ready for battle and the fierce thunderstorm was rolling on in! Brita was standing to my left; we looked at each other searching for some reassurance as we laughed uncontrollably, frozen in what felt like 50 mile per hour winds! Her dad fought his way against the winds, his tie flipping up and over his shoulder. He yells to the both of us, “Ladies, it’s getting kind of windy!” At that moment my reflector caught like a sailboat and nearly yanked my arm off. After I got control of it, I shouted back “Two more minutes! Please?” He nodded, I think. My short hair was pretty much covering my eyes while in constant motion. Brita and I sprinted against the powerful wind toward the tall grass field; the one spot she wanted for her Senior Photoshoot Experience. I told her we’d work quickly and hopefully we get just one killer image! One thing is for sure, I was blown away by this Booker T Washington Senior, Brita in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

We made it back to the parking lot before the storm caught up to us and I think no sooner than I closed my car door, the rain began to hit my windshield. Brita and I had the most fun during her Senior Photoshoot Experience! Not only because of the crazy storm that we managed to beat, but even walking around downtown Tulsa just chatting and getting to know each other. Brita has done very, very well in school! She currently has a GPA over 4.0, has already started visiting colleges, and some of the universities on her list are very elite!! The amazing thing about Brita is that she is very down to earth and likes to have fun with everything she does! She’s up for adventure and is excited about every part of her senior year.

Brita’s Senior Photoshoot Experience started in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma along Boston Ave. Then we raced the storm to Gilcrease Museum where her heart was set on some photos in the gorgeous tall grass fields!


You were such a sunny person to weather a dark storm with! I appreciate your willingness to be blown away with me by the Oklahoma wind and your ability to laugh the whole time! I enjoyed getting to know you, listening to all of the amazing opportunities that are before you, and watching your face light up as you get excited about your senior year. I also adored watching your parents steadily walk back to the cars, chatting, holding hands, and enjoying the moment with one another. You have a beautiful example of love there, ma’am! I hope that you get to enjoy them for many, many years to come!!! Finally, I hope that you are amazed at these highlights from your blustery photoshoot!

No two downtown/ Gilcrease photoshoots are alike! It’s a photoshoot combo that I do a lot but the beautiful Kira wanted to put her own spin on each location. I adore her senior photoshoot!

Gema’s downtown has a classy, sassy, and modern feel to it. She wanted to focus on the beautiful buildings downtown before going to Gilcrease Museum for the second half of her photoshoot.

If you’re interested in scheduling a Senior Photoshoot Experience, skip the contact form on my home page and go directly to my Senior Experience Page to start planning your photoshoot! Filling out the questionnaire will provide the details we need to get the ball rolling right away!

  1. […] Brita’s Senior Photoshoot Experience started out with sunshine and rainbows in downtown Tulsa and then turned to grey skies with a huge thunderstorm warning. […]

  2. […] was literally blown away at Booker T Washington Senior Brita’s Senior Photoshoot Experience! Click here to read about what happened and the laughter that came from […]

  3. […] was literally blown away at Booker T Washington Senior Brita’s Senior Photoshoot Experience! Click here to read about what happened and the laughter that came from […]

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