

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Favorite 18 of 2018

I love looking back through the years of life and reminiscing; there are so many precious memories that are too soon forgotten in my busy bee brain. Every year-end I create a digital scrapbook of what happened in my life, marriage, and family that year. I also write a blog post that reflects on my professional year, for 2018… this is that post. It’s a great time to see my growth as a human, a wife, a child of Christ, a photographer, and a friend. As a person who constantly strives to be better than I was before in all things, it helps to review what is working and what is not. That way, in the future, I can do more of what is working and less of what is not. It seems simple and I wish I could say I thought of it on my own.

This year, I’ll break up my favorite 18 of 2018 into two sections: my top three “what’s working” in my business followed by my top 15 images of the past year which totals 18 points to review the past year!

Top three changes in my business:

1. Waking up early to maximize my day

In John Maxwell’s book, 15 Invaluable Laws of Leadership, he talks about the importance of maximizing your time and schedule to become as efficient as possible. Which literally took my day and made me do a 180-turn. I used to be up all night, sleep-eyed, staring at my computer writing a blog or editing a gallery. However, when I applied Maxwell’s principles to my life/ mind/ body I found that I function BEST first thing in the morning. Why was I giving my business any less than the best part of me? Because it was simply my habit. So I started waking up at 5am Monday through Friday and I found I was more productive, focused, and it evened out my work/ life balance a lot better than I could have imagined. The dogs also interrupt me less because when we walk down the hallway “to go to work” every morning, they have plush dog beds awaiting them where they catch a few more hours of sleep while I get to work.

2. Restarting my Senior Model Team

Working with a dedicated group of ladies this past year has been so refreshing for me. All five ladies on my Senior Model Team had accomplished so much before their senior year even started! Watching them grow and win over the last year has been inspirational; they are student council leaders, advocates for their classmates and communities, they fearlessly chase their dreams, and constantly put themselves out there to achieve amazing things in this world but also for their futures. I am incredibly proud of each one of them!!

3. Finding a community of support

In the past year and a half I found a source of continuing education as a photographer which directly led me to a group of local, like-minded photographers that I could connect with. Inspiration struck me to organize a group photoshoot where we all come together and would photograph one another. From the very first meeting in early spring, community arose above the competition mindset. After the first photoshoot ended, we all went to dinner together where we had non-stop conversations about life, love, and photography. To say I was impressed and surprised by what I had fallen into would be an understatement. We had three photoshoots this year and I plan to schedule more group photoshoots and maybe a few business meetings in the coming year! I learned the importance of having your own cheerleaders, friends who struggle with the same things, and professionals who can provide sound advice.

Top 15 Images of 2018:

From 9,000 final images, thousands more that didn’t “make the cut,” over 68 personal, brand, and client photoshoots, it was a complete struggle to narrow down my strongest 15 images of 2018 but here they are!!

Take a trip down memory lane and read my past blogs from

2017 – “These are a few of my favorite things”

My favorite 16 Instagrams of 2016

Favorite 15 from 2015 – This is a real blast from the past!

I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for me! My planner (pictured below) is ready to be filled over the next 365 days!!

  1. Kim says:

    So thankful for our little group of AJers! I loved getting to meet you and work with you last year!

    • It’s such a great group, I’m glad you’re in it! I absolutely loved working with you both times this last year too!! Hopefully we can see/work/have fun more in the coming years!!!

  2. […] a peek at my Favorite 18 of 2018 blog post, you might see a familiar face from this post! I also talk a bit about the importance of finding a […]

  3. […] Favorite 18 in 2018 where I name my top three changes and 15 favorite images! […]

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