

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Newborn Ryker

It was time for the Albright’s family photoshoot, except Kayla had emailed me to see if they could do something a little different this year. Surprise!! She was pregnant and wanted a newborn photoshoot with a few family photos at the end. Of course we started planning the shoot right away. I was so happy for Kayla and Zach and was very excited to meet the newest family member of the Albright family. Meet Ryker Albright, who is a very big boy with the most adorable and chubbiest of cheeks! But it’s no wonder this fella has cheeks to smoosh; he was 10 pounds and 21 inches long at birth.

Kayla is really out numbered in her house with her husband, Zach, new baby Ryker, and her two older boys Koda and Kenai. What is so sweet is watching older brothers Koda and Kenai pay attention to their new brother Ryker. They run wild with energy until they come close to him and they slow down and are so gentle and loving around him. It is adorable to see them love on him or talk to him as they go about their young lives.

Ryker was only days old and didn’t fit the “little brother” onesie that Kayla had bought for him. During the newborn photoshoot Ryker wore a FD firefighter helmet to honor his dad, Zach, who is a volunteer firefighter. And then wore a Police hat to honor his grandpa who just retired, but couldn’t quite fit into the police uniform bottoms that came with the hat. Those tiny handcuffs were too cute not to use though!

Kayla and Zach,

Thank you so much for allowing me the honor of photographing your family during this very special time! I loved getting to photograph y’all once again and meet your newest addition, baby Ryker. It’ll be fun to watch him as he grows to see if he leans out or if he really will grow up to be a great offensive lineman!! Regardless, I can’t wait to see what a wonderful person he grows up to be. I hope you enjoy just a few highlights from your newborn photoshoot!!

P.S. I am sure you’re wondering how that B&W image got in here… It just needed to be there, it’s not my typical style, I know. But when you see it, hopefully you’ll understand. ;D

Don’t miss out on the Albright Family’s fall photoshoot from last year! Click here to see them a year ago.

Need more chubby cheeks and baby toes? Click here to see newborn Thomas’s blog!

Are you dreaming of a photoshoot? Complete my contact form and let’s start planning.

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