

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

True Community Over Competition is a Gift

The sun was setting and it was time to go home. As I walked to my car, got in, and pulled out of my parking spot I felt energized. I spent the whole morning editing an endless pool of images that my clients are patiently waiting on, which does weigh heavily on me. My list of to-do’s never seems to be finished no matter how long I work or how hard I try. However, the event that evening filled me, fueled me, and inspired me. It reminded me that true community over competition is a gift and a blessing. A network of support is what helps us be successful and without it, this journey can be slow and lonely.

A few times a year I get together with photographers from a private Facebook group and we photograph each other in a headshots photoshoot event. Almost all of my great headshots on my Instagram feed came from one of the talented photographers at these meet ups. My profile pictures? Yup! Same thing. Even though these days are scheduled months in advance, this particular meet up seemed to land just when I needed it most! Buried under wedding images, business tasks, and providing support for my household, I was beginning to feel heavy and uninspired. Just one photoshoot with these three ladies changed everything for me. I realized what I was missing wasn’t the satisfaction of my tasks done, a relief from my stress level, but what I was missing was community. For someone to say “I know what you’re going through and I am in the same spot too.”

As we photographed each other and talked with one another, we weren’t able to provide answers for the things we each are all dealing with but we could listen, understand, and climb into the same boat. Suddenly the ideas I have and the tasks I want to accomplish aren’t carried by just me, but we all share that among one, two or three more people and the load feels lighter. As I drove home I felt brighter, sunnier, more creative, energized, filled, and fueled. Simply put, it feels so good to be refreshed! When you can create a community that focuses on each other versus competition with one another, the benefits are endless and the majority of them are unexpected.

Meet Hanna

Meet Michelle

Meet Sarah

I ended this post by saying: When you can create a community that focuses on each other versus competition with one another the benefits are endless and the majority of them are unexpected. I wrote more about this earlier in the year after our first meet up of the year, titled Whatever You Do… Find Your People.

Meet my Class of 2020 Senior Model Team… working with them and knowing them is a blessing! They are another group of people that inspire me!!!

If you’d like to schedule your photoshoot… click here to complete my contact form! I’d be so happy to have you!!

  1. […] Above ^ and below v… Making wonderful, amazing, talented and kind friends in the photography industry! These ladies have done more for me than I can say. Their endless help, assistance, ideas, suggestions, and understanding can get me out of any rut. They can inspire me to new heights and fuel me when I have felt like I was about to run out of energy! […]

  2. […] The second meet up was in Tulsa where I was feeling weighed down and stuck creatively. But these ladies and fellow photographers unknowingly inspired me and gave me the refresh I was looking for! True Community Over Competition is a Gift. […]

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