

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Sarah & Josh Maternity Photoshoot

So, I’ll tell on myself: this was the photoshoot where I turned photography into a contact-sport. But first, let me set the stage… Sarah had been sending me pictures of beautiful, flowy maternity dresses for weeks prior to photoshoot day. Since their nursery theme will be elegant flowers, we choose Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa as the perfect location. Then just a few hours before their photoshoot time and the clouds roll in. I wanted so badly for Sarah and Josh’s maternity photoshoot to be airy, glowy, and sunny just for them. But the Oklahoma weather had a different idea and as long as it wasn’t raining, we decided to shoot anyway. So there we were, about an hour into our two hour photoshoot and a single ray of sunshine peeked out from behind the clouds. I became elated and started to move really quick to just capture the light. I quickly moved my little step ladder to the exact spot I needed and then hopped right onto the top stair. And as quick as I climbed up, I came crashing down.

It gets worse, Gilcrease on a Saturday is covered with every photographer, their mom, and all of their clients… Even though no one came to my aid, except Sarah and Josh, I know they all had to have seen me. Right? Maybe they didn’t. I hope they didn’t. As I was falling (and still taking pictures) somehow, I managed to tuck my camera like a college football player and it was completely undamaged.

She looked at me like I was crazy.

Once I knew my camera was okay, figured out I hadn’t broken anything and only had some scrapes, I looked at my watch and told Sarah it was time to change her outfit. She looked at me like I was crazy. My knuckles looked like I had been in a bad bar fight and my collar bone instantly turned blue but I was ready to rock the next hour like nothing happened. I know Sarah and Josh would have been just fine with letting me call it quits, going home to bandage myself up, and maybe we’d finish on another day.

…I was laughing so hard I was crying.

This is why good friends are important, they felt bad that I fell while I was laughing so hard I was crying. I’m honored to be their friend and so excited to see them in this season of their life. I know they will make great parents who will nurture a beautiful tiny human and someday we’ll share this hilarious story with baby Veldy. Then I’ll tell her how great her parents are, the strong support they will be for her, and when she grows up what awesome friends they will be for her.

There! ^ There, is the one ray of sunshine! And would you just look at those two?! Magic!! (Also, I might have killed a few of those red flowers on the way down…)

Sarah announced to Josh that they were pregnant in a very special and unique way, a way that they can look back on and cherish forever. Click here to see the blog post of her surprising him!

Click here to see Sarah and Josh’s newborn photoshoot for baby Ellanor.

If you’re interested in scheduling a maternity photoshoot with ah Productions, click here to be sent to the contact form. Complete the contact form and we’re off to the races, planning your unique photoshoot! Also, CONGRATS!! What a special and exciting time in your life!!

  1. Nikki Steele says:

    Omg you are such a trooper! These photos turned out AMAZING despite the bumps and bruises. She has such a beautiful glow!

    • Oh yes, short of a broken camera or a broken bone, it wasn’t even a choice to not keep going!! I was having too much fun on this photoshoot despite the contact sport part. Hahha. Thank you Nikki!! She is a beautiful pregnant momma and does glow. 😀

  2. […] (Well, I couldn’t ruin the surprise for a very long time!) These two love birds are having their maternity photoshoot this weekend, we are throwing them a baby shower, and they are eagerly awaiting becoming parents in […]

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