

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

OKC Photographer Headshot Meet-up

I met four amazing ladies a few weeks ago, and they gave me a precious, precious gift. It’s one that’s rare in today’s world, not easily come by, and cannot be manufactured: a gift of support, encouragement, community, and lastly… so many beautiful portraits of me. (Mostly because of their amazing skill and not so much because of me as a model.) You’ll be seeing the headshots of me around instagram in the weeks and months to come!!

These four ladies are also fellow Oklahoma photographers. We met up in Oklahoma City, in the Myriad Gardens on a cool Saturday afternoon to take headshots of one another. Even though the sun was shining, the shadows were pretty cold. I have many images of Maggie covering her nose to keep it from turning pink. (I won’t show them here, but they still make me laugh!) I can’t believe I wore a dress and no, I didn’t bring a coat!

…something none of us expected.

The one thing we all enjoyed about photographing other photographers is that we could spend more time exploring and focusing on different ways of photographing than we could if we were doing a session for a client. The experience ended up also being a hands-on-educational experience too, something that none of us expected.

What started as a simple means to create marketable images for one-anther turned into amazing friendships that will be continued and cherished for years and years. We spent about four hours pairing up, walking, and posing all over the huge park that is downtown OKC. After the sun set, we all walked to a nearby barbecue place that Alexis and her husband knew of; we worked up such an appetite! We intended to talk shop over dinner, however, we ended sharing stories of our selves and our families and ultimately becoming friends. True community over competition is hard to come by; when you find it, hold on tight.

Meet Michelle!

Meet Alexis!

Meet Maggie!

  1. Hanna Bryant says:

    These are just gorgeous! I so badly wish I could’ve come to this one. Cannot wait for the Tulsa location meetup! Incredible work and beautiful ladies.

    • Amanda Hitchen says:

      Oh Hanna!! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments, you are so kind. We’ll see you in a few short months of the Tulsa one… it’s just weeks away really!!! I’m so excited for you to join us.

  2. Kim says:

    What a gorgeous group of ladies! I am SO excited for the Tulsa event! Can’t wait to meet everyone!

    • Amanda Hitchen says:

      That is so sweet of you Kim! Maggie, Alexis, and Michelle are just as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside. I’m getting so excited for the Tulsa meet up!!! Get ready to have fun and be so exhausted by the end! 😀

  3. Amanda!!!! I lovvved this post!! Brought back a ton of great memories!! You’re a phenomenal photographer, and and amazing woman inside and out!! I can’t wait to work with you sometime again (or at least meet up!!)!

    • Yay Maggie, that makes me so happy!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments!!! You’re so kind. 😀 we will work together again soon!!!! We can certainly meet up too- I’m all for it.

  4. Dresden says:

    Where is Michelle’s camera strap from? Love it !

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