

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Newborn Fox

Baby Fox came into this wonderful world on a Monday morning and 12 days later he had his first marathon photoshoot. I tell all moms and dads, especially new parents, that we are on baby time; meaning however long it takes to get what I need for the newborn shoot is simply how long the session lasts. Because, inevitably, babies do what Fox did: They stay awake for the longest period of time in their little lives when all mommy (and I) really want is for them to drift off to sleep because we want naked baby photos. Because, naked baby photos…

Fox was so cooperative and posing this way or that way, I could not make this up! He was happy and posing the morning away; we were soaking it up, cooing over him, and laughing. Then the time came when we wanted naked baby photos. And Fox did not want to go to sleep, at all! We took a long break to get him to go to sleep, mom fed him more than he had ever been fed, and we tried placing him in his vibrating bassinet. Nothing. We just needed to wear him out more so we put him in another outfit and background and went to town. Somehow, in this pose, he just drifted off to sleep. We did it! Not only did we completely “ooh” and “ah…” over every yawn and sleepy faced picture but we knew it was coming: the time when he would check into dreamland. And sure enough, he did.

From Leah’s baby shower, maternity photoshoot and now baby Fox’s newborn images, I have been with them almost every step of the way. Helping to welcome Fox into this world, while preserving the moments that Leah and Tyler will cherish forever. I know they will be beautiful parents and I can’t wait to meet the grown-up Fox, who will surely grow to become a wonderful man.

 Not his best moment but even his angry face is adorable. Not his best moment but even his angry face is adorable.

  1. Oh, my heart. That wee firefighter hat!! So precious

  2. Lea Lawson says:

    What a cutie! I love the one where he is winking! So adorable!

  3. […] But wait there’s more! Take a trip back in time to see little Fox as a newborn!! We purposefully posed miss Aspen just like her big brother Fox in some photographs, can you find which ones? Click here to check them out! […]

  4. […] Just by looking at Leah and Tyler, you can tell this isn’t our first ‘photography’ rodeo! You can see their maternity photoshoot when Leah was pregnant with little Mr. Fox by clicking here, […]

  5. […] Click here to see images from Newborn Fox’s photoshoot. It also features more of the new mom and dad, Leah and Tyler! […]

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