

Amanda Hitchen

Tulsa, Oklahoma Photographer

Owasso Fall Family Photoshoot

Luciana and I decided that it would be best to reschedule their family photoshoot date because the forecast was just too cold to be outside and the sky looked like it would rain at any moment. When the day of the McCrary’s Owasso fall family photoshoot finally came, the weather was perfect! Maybe a little windy, but this is Oklahoma! There was a thin veil of clouds across the sky with the sun occasionally peeking through. Fall was in its second phase where some of the trees had lost their leaves and others were just starting to turn colors. It was a perfect afternoon for a fall family photoshoot at Centennial Park in Owasso, Oklahoma.

Luciana and Skyler are so welcoming and such wonderful parents to two very amazing little girls. Chloe, the older sister, has a strong mind and is very independent. Vivian, the younger sister, is more of a free spirit. She follows directions pretty well for being a younger lady. Both girls love Disney and are very into Mickey and Minnie right now. Luciana and Skyler chose to capture this wonderful phase in their young lives by making Mickey and Minnie the theme of their outfits. My favorite was little Chloe and Vivian’s shoes: the most adorable little red dress shoes with a scallop detailed edge.

The moment I will never forget from the McCrary family’s photoshoot is when Luciana, Vivian, and I were off on our own getting some special mother-daughter shots of just the two of them. As we walked back to where Skyler and Chloe were playing, Vivian walked half of the way and then sprinted to her dad and sister. As she approached Chloe, she yelled her name with excitement “Chloe!!” Then she saw her dad and had a very similar reaction, “Daddy!!” Vivian was away from them for maybe five minutes but she was still so excited to see them when she rejoined them on the play equipment.

Luciana and Skyler,

Thank you so much for the honor of working with your sweet family. I had a great time and loved hanging out with y’all for an evening! I adore that you added a unique element to your photoshoot with your outfits and hope these capture your life with your two adorable girls the way you imagined.

P.S. For all my readers, if Luciana McCrary ever offers you baked goods, say yes and gladly accept! You won’t regret it, she is amazing!

This couple brought their two pups along for a fur family photoshoot of four! It was so much fun to explore the backfields of Gilcrease Museum with these two and their dogs!!

Earlier this year, in the spring, I had the honor of photographing another photographer and her family! Click here to see their beautiful spring family photoshoot!

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